Orders are Processed & Shipped within 24hrs – 72hrs MAX.
Orders are Shipped Monday-Friday.
We DO NOT provide a Tracking Number for OPSEC reasons (Although, we will send you updates of the package’s status if you email us; Such as its expected delivery date, ETC.) ; Otherwise, please setup Informed Delivery for all Tracking Numbers/Updates.
ALL PERSONAL INFO is DELETED once the order is Marked As Delivered.
REAL FIRST & LAST NAME of Resident at Receiving Address is required (Prevents ‘Returned To Sender’)
We do worldwide delivery!
No Shipping To California, Alaska, or Hawaii.
No Shipping To US Territories (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, ETC.)
No Shipping to Schools/Universities.
No Shipping to PO Boxes (case by case basis; EX. post office doesn’t deliver to houses in your area)
Shipping Costs Can Be Seen On Checkout Page!
Orders are Cut-Off Daily @ 9am ET/6am PT to ensure your pack is SENT OUT THAT SAME DAY; If you miss the same day cut-off deadline, don’t hesitate to throw your order in anyways, so we can get it processed & boxed up immediately for the next day.
In the event that the tracking DOES NOT mark as delivered (lost in transit), we WILL honor a FULL RESHIP to a NEW address after 45 days.
This EXCLUDES if tracking says ‘Returned To Sender’ ; NO REFUND/RESHIP will be given if this happens (use a real name to avoid this).
If you claim the box is Empty, there will be NO RESHIP/REFUND.
If tracking is marked as Delivered, or ATTEMPTED DELIVERY TO THE GIVEN ADDRESS, there will be NO REFUND/RESHIP.
ethan standley –
had me tweakin like crazy, def reccomend, i live in weymouth HMU fellow tweakers the names ethan stnadley