Orders are Processed & Shipped within 24hrs – 72hrs MAX.
Orders are Shipped Monday-Friday.
We DO NOT provide a Tracking Number for OPSEC reasons (Although, we will send you updates of the package’s status if you email us; Such as its expected delivery date, ETC.) ; Otherwise, please setup Informed Delivery for all Tracking Numbers/Updates.
ALL PERSONAL INFO is DELETED once the order is Marked As Delivered.
REAL FIRST & LAST NAME of Resident at Receiving Address is required (Prevents ‘Returned To Sender’)
For XTC, if a particular stamp is not available then a different stamp will be shipped with same mgs of MDMA.
We do worldwide delivery!
No Shipping To US Territories (Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, ETC.)
No Shipping to Schools/Universities.
No Shipping to PO Boxes (case by case basis; EX. post office doesn’t deliver to houses in your area)
Shipping Costs Can Be Seen On Checkout Page!
Orders are Cut-Off Daily @ 9am ET/6am PT to ensure your pack is SENT OUT THAT SAME DAY; If you miss the same day cut-off deadline, don’t hesitate to throw your order in anyways, so we can get it processed & boxed up immediately for the next day.
In the event that the tracking DOES NOT mark as delivered (lost in transit), we WILL honor a FULL RESHIP to a NEW address after 45 days.
This EXCLUDES if tracking says ‘Returned To Sender’ ; NO REFUND/RESHIP will be given if this happens (use a real name to avoid this).
If you claim the box is Empty, there will be NO RESHIP/REFUND.
If tracking is marked as Delivered, or ATTEMPTED DELIVERY TO THE GIVEN ADDRESS, there will be NO REFUND/RESHIP.
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